Qamar Zaman has made an arrangement with his company a Dallas based digital marketing and SEO leader to contribute to Qamar’s cause to help local businesses in American prosper with their efforts through local internet marketing.


Types of Mentorship Program

DIY (Do it yourself) – Benefits & Feature 

The entire program, Qamar and his company are giving, is sold to his DIY (Do it yourself) clients for over $15,580 per year.  DIY is most suited for business owners who want to use Qamar’s framework to make their websites lead grabbing machines.  Previously, Qamar has sold this program to limited few elite members consisting of  small business owners to small law firms. However, since you are partnering to become a Mentor with Project IQ ™, you are receiving all the items mentioned in this offer for FREE(In Exchange for being a Mentor to project IQ).

Here is what you get:

Q-Torials – Special step-by-step podcast tutorials with Qamar that will help you learn and implement key marketing strategies.

Marketing Action Plan – Every successful endeavor starts with a plan. Your unique action plan will help you establish and build a winning online presence.

Weekly Webinars – An “over-the-shoulder” look at marketing applications with Qamar, where you will learn key aspects and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Software Tools – You will have access to the full version of the software solution developed by Qamar and his team that will help you put your business on the online map. This solution will not only simplify your processes, it will also save you valuable time and money, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

DFY (Done for you)

There are many businesses who don’t have the time to do their local business marketing and end up hiring local or offshore companies. The problem with this approach is that local companies are expensive. They have to pay their employees in the U.S. and are forced to cover their cost and make some money doing that. The result of which is passing the cost to the customer or the local business owner can’t afford this cost so they resort to offshore service providers. These providers are not in the U.S. and are not accountable. Most of the time the business owner does not know any better and at the end of the day get what they pay for which is no results or their sites are  penalized by Google which will, in turn, lose trust in the eyes of Google.  Qamar and his team have been solving these problems for over a decade. To address this problem Qamar & his team of world-class experts have put together the “A” class program, similar to a first class seat in the plane. The program mentors local businesses with their market domination comprising of software, planned business guides, and process flows to help the local business dominate and all work done the team. They don’t have to do anything. The work is done in the U.S. & their offices are spread around the world covering Canada, Ireland, UK, Ukraine, and the Philippines. Because, you are dealing with a U.S. based company located here in Dallas, TX, they are available, as well as have made it scalable, to build a predictable growth system that has been giving up to 10X the results for their existing clients.

THIS IS OUR MOST POPULAR PLAN & SELECT FEW  Until now, however, this system was available to only a select few. Due to Qamar’s project IQ, he is opening this to a few more businesses who will contribute to project IQ and pledge to mentor a child in their own backyard. 

Applications on a limited basis for 3 reasons.

​Contact UsLets’s Talk: 877-677-1566​Not the right fit: Explore Social MavenFill out my online form.[tcb-script type=”text/javascript”]var zdni73i12ja7aj;(function(d, t) {var s = d.createElement(t), options = {‘userName’:’vision123′,’formHash’:’zdni73i12ja7aj’,’autoResize’:true,’height’:’500′,’async’:true,’host’:’’,’header’:’show’,’ssl’:true};s.src = (‘https:’ == d.location.protocol ? ‘https://’ : ‘http://’) + ‘’;s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() {var rs = this.readyState; if (rs) if (rs != ‘complete’) if (rs != ‘loaded’) return;try { zdni73i12ja7aj = new WufooForm();zdni73i12ja7aj.initialize(options);zdni73i12ja7aj.display(); } catch (e) {}};var scr = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0], par = scr.parentNode; par.insertBefore(s, scr);})(document, ‘script’);[/tcb-script]